Solaniemi has it’s own Nature trail nearby the cottages. Trail goes on the forest in the cape. Route is marked in the trees by yellow paintmarks. Nature trail is called luontopolku in finnish language.

Forest is mainly pine and spruce forest. Path is quite easy to walk. You should take couple of hours to walk the route. That will give you enough time to go through the trail at your own space and there is also enough time to stop to look and marvel the beautiful nature.

Trail is about two kilometres long and if you want, you can hike it through different days or only walk one part of it because it goes over the cottage road couple of times, so it’s easy to go to your cottage also in the middle of the trail.

When you go hiking in the nature trail, you can take packed food with you. On the trail there is a bench with a amazing wiew on the lake that you can look and enjoy at same time maybe a cup of coffee and something little to eat. Further around the trail you can also find a tiipii with a fireplace, where you can forexample make a bonfire and roast sausages in it or just enjoy it’s warm flames.

Holiday Village Solaniemi’s Nature Trail is combination of peacefulness that comes from the forest, beautiful scenerys and relaxing quietness of Finnish nature.